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Rolfes Pan (26102813)


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A semi-permanent freshwater pan with dense submergents, emergent grasses and sedges, and beds of Typha and Phragmites. Greyheaded Gulls breed on an island; during the survey period very few were recorded in summer, and winter numbers were very low in 1993 and 1996. The only other species recorded in large numbers is Sacred Ibis, from winter 1994 through to winter 1995. Spurwinged Goose is almost exclusively of winter occurrence, numbers having apparently declined greatly since 1995. Recorded numbers of Purple Gallinule are consistently higher in winter; Moorhen and Redknobbed Coot counts are decreasing. Important threats include continuing industrial development encroaching on the shoreline, landfill on the pan perimeter, severe pollution from industrial effluent and solid waste, and unrestricted access. The count is conducted from three vantage points. Point A, from the balcony of Messrs Thembelihle Equipment. Point B, from the parking spot in the northeast. Point C, from the balcony of Messrs Zultrans.

SppCommon nameTaxonomic nameMinAvgMaxIBASubregional
72Scopus umbretta11.001   
67Bittern, LittleIxobrychus minutus11.604   
212Coot, Red-knobbedFulica cristata133.03304   
50Cormorant, ReedMicrocarbo africanus110.67105   
47Cormorant, White-breastedPhalacrocorax lucidus13.3813   
203Crake, BlackZaporina flavirostra11.955
52Darter, AfricanAnhinga rufa18.5633   
95Duck, African BlackAnas sparsa11.672   
101Duck, Fulvous WhistlingDendrocygna bicolor13.758   
103Duck, MaccoaOxyura maccoa22.002   
10014Duck, UnidentifiedAnas sp.12.504
104Duck, White-backedThalassornis leuconotus11.001   
100Duck, White-faced WhistlingDendrocygna viduata13.0014   
96Duck, Yellow-billedAnas undulata13.6211   
58Egret, GreatArdea alba11.001   
60Egret, IntermediateArdea intermedia11.673   
59Egret, LittleEgretta garzetta12.8915   
61Egret, Western CattleBubulcus ibis197.65330   
86Flamingo, GreaterPhoenicopterus roseus17.0016   
205Flufftail, Red-chestedSarothrura rufa11.001
89Goose, EgyptianAlopochen aegyptiaca110.6431   
88Goose, Spur-wingedPlectropterus gambensis111.5555   
4Grebe, Great CrestedPodiceps cristatus14.7022   
6Grebe, LittleTachybaptus ruficollis16.1718   
288Gull, Grey-headedChroicocephalus cirrocephalus169.07668 500 
64Heron, BlackEgretta ardesiaca12.5511   
55Heron, Black-headedArdea melanocephala14.8613   
56Heron, GoliathArdea goliath11.442   
54Heron, GreyArdea cinerea12.7513   
57Heron, PurpleArdea purpurea11.383   
62Heron, SquaccoArdeola ralloides12.537   
63Heron, StriatedButorides striata12.144   
81Ibis, African SacredThreskiornis aethiopicus1148.881231 1000 
83Ibis, GlossyPlegadis falcinellus246.87430   
84Ibis, HadadaBostrychia hagedash16.1619   
228Jacana, AfricanActophilornis africanus12.004   
397Kingfisher, MalachiteCorythornis cristatus11.001
394Kingfisher, PiedCeryle rudis11.252
247Lapwing, African WattledVanellus senegallus12.334   
245Lapwing, BlacksmithVanellus armatus18.2258   
10015Mallard, HybridAnas hybrid44.004
509Martin, Brown-throatedRiparia paludicola11.001
210Moorhen, CommonGallinula chloropus15.7523   
69Night Heron, Black-crownedNycticorax nycticorax12.778   
238Plover, Three-bandedCharadrius tricollaris12.8410   
1332Pochard, Red-crestedNetta rufina11.001
102Pochard, SouthernNetta erythrophthalma15.8217   
258Sandpiper, CommonActitis hypoleucos11.001  
262Sandpiper, MarshTringa stagnatilis22.002   
264Sandpiper, WoodTringa glareola11.753   
94Shoveler, CapeAnas smithii24.677   
250Snipe, AfricanGallinago nigripennis11.001   
85Spoonbill, AfricanPlatalea alba12.255   
270Stilt, Black-wingedHimantopus himantopus22.002   
253Stint, LittleCalidris minuta12.676   
208Swamphen, AfricanPorphyrio madagascariensis13.3114  
99Teal, Blue-billedAnas hottentota15.5019   
98Teal, CapeAnas capensis11.001   
97Teal, Red-billedAnas erythrorhyncha88.008   
305Tern, WhiskeredChlidonias hybrida26.2720   
304Tern, White-wingedChlidonias leucopterus12.675   
10008Wader, UnidentifiedN/A N/A11.001
686Wagtail, CapeMotacilla capensis16.7418
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Sunday 22 December 2024 05:23
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town

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