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Benoni Lakes (26112819)


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Management status UNKNOWN
Conservation status UNPROTECTED
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These lakes and dams were counted only in summer 1992 and 1994 and in winter 1993. Small to moderate numbers of a good variety of waterbird species were recorded, the commonest species being Redknobbed Coot, which was much more numerous in winter. Sacred Ibis numbers were higher in summer, and Blackheaded Heron numbers were higher in winter. Reasonable numbers of Black Crake, Purple Gallinule and Moorhen are recorded, while the winter record of African Crake is indicative of the persistence of good habitat for this species in the nonbreeding season. No threats have been identified.

SppCommon nameTaxonomic nameMinAvgMaxIBASubregional
212Coot, Red-knobbedFulica cristata45128.25208   
50Cormorant, ReedMicrocarbo africanus712.0017   
47Cormorant, White-breastedPhalacrocorax lucidus417.0028   
199Crake, AfricanCrex egregia55.005-1
203Crake, BlackZaporina flavirostra28.3312
52Darter, AfricanAnhinga rufa911.0013   
101Duck, Fulvous WhistlingDendrocygna bicolor33.003   
91Duck, Knob-billedSarkidiornis melanotos33.003   
10014Duck, UnidentifiedAnas sp.77.007
104Duck, White-backedThalassornis leuconotus44.004   
100Duck, White-faced WhistlingDendrocygna viduata79.3314   
96Duck, Yellow-billedAnas undulata35.508   
58Egret, GreatArdea alba11.502   
60Egret, IntermediateArdea intermedia22.002   
61Egret, Western CattleBubulcus ibis1925.7531   
89Goose, EgyptianAlopochen aegyptiaca1320.0034   
88Goose, Spur-wingedPlectropterus gambensis612.6718   
5Grebe, Black-neckedPodiceps nigricollis77.007   
4Grebe, Great CrestedPodiceps cristatus58.0012   
6Grebe, LittleTachybaptus ruficollis313.7520   
288Gull, Grey-headedChroicocephalus cirrocephalus2126.3331   
64Heron, BlackEgretta ardesiaca44.004   
55Heron, Black-headedArdea melanocephala37.5015   
54Heron, GreyArdea cinerea68.6711   
57Heron, PurpleArdea purpurea11.001   
62Heron, SquaccoArdeola ralloides77.007   
63Heron, StriatedButorides striata12.504   
81Ibis, African SacredThreskiornis aethiopicus1534.2554   
83Ibis, GlossyPlegadis falcinellus812.0017   
84Ibis, HadadaBostrychia hagedash511.6718   
228Jacana, AfricanActophilornis africanus11.502   
395Kingfisher, GiantMegaceryle maxima44.004
397Kingfisher, MalachiteCorythornis cristatus44.004
394Kingfisher, PiedCeryle rudis22.002
247Lapwing, African WattledVanellus senegallus11.001   
245Lapwing, BlacksmithVanellus armatus1320.7529   
509Martin, Brown-throatedRiparia paludicola11.001
210Moorhen, CommonGallinula chloropus212.5018   
69Night Heron, Black-crownedNycticorax nycticorax33.003   
361Owl, MarshAsio capensis26.679
237Plover, Kittlitz'sCharadrius pecuarius1111.0011   
238Plover, Three-bandedCharadrius tricollaris710.5014   
90Shelduck, South AfricanTadorna cana22.002   
250Snipe, AfricanGallinago nigripennis66.006   
85Spoonbill, AfricanPlatalea alba711.6719   
79Stork, BlackCiconia nigra11.001   
208Swamphen, AfricanPorphyrio madagascariensis311.6718  
97Teal, Red-billedAnas erythrorhyncha77.007   
274Thick-knee, WaterBurhinus vermiculatus38.0013   
10008Wader, UnidentifiedN/A N/A610.5015
686Wagtail, CapeMotacilla capensis1835.5060
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Sunday 22 December 2024 05:16
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town

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