Lake Banagher: South (26213022) | |
Mpumalanga | |
Authority | Barberton Bird Club |
Management status | PRIVATE FARM |
Conservation status | UNPROTECTED |
IBA information | SA019 - CHRISSIE PANS |
Ramsar information | |
Heritage information | |
View Cards | Click here |
Information |
Date_registered |
1998-07-11 |
Brief_description |
A 130 ha open pan with a sandy shoreline, Phragmites reeds at one corner, and grasses/sedges along the shore. Only one count is available (February 1992), giving 49 birds of 7 species, including 24 Whitewinged Tern. Summer and winter 1998 counts totalled 1333 and 1287 birds respectively (no details available). Counts by D.G. Allan in August 1985 yielded 28 birds of 5 species, and in February 1986 totalled 437 birds of 25 species, including 120 Greater Flamingo, 51 Egyptian Goose (breeding), 23 Cape Teal, 33 Cape Shoveler, 43 Blacksmith Plover and 40 Whitewinged Tern. 50 Avocets were recorded in January 1987. Threats include trampling of reedbed and shore vegetation by cattle. |
Spp | Common name | Taxonomic name | Min | Avg | Max | IBA | Subregional IBA | RAMSAR |
72 | , Hamerkop | Scopus umbretta | 1 | 1.50 | 2 | |||
1016 | , Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
256 | , Ruff | Calidris pugnax | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
269 | Avocet, Pied | Recurvirostra avosetta | 5 | 33.25 | 92 | |||
212 | Coot, Red-knobbed | Fulica cristata | 1 | 96.53 | 315 | |||
50 | Cormorant, Reed | Microcarbo africanus | 1 | 9.43 | 52 | |||
47 | Cormorant, White-breasted | Phalacrocorax lucidus | 1 | 5.83 | 19 | |||
10006 | Duck, Domestic | Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | 12 | 12.00 | 12 | |||
103 | Duck, Maccoa | Oxyura maccoa | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
10014 | Duck, Unidentified | Anas sp. | 36 | 79.67 | 150 | |||
100 | Duck, White-faced Whistling | Dendrocygna viduata | 2 | 36.00 | 70 | |||
96 | Duck, Yellow-billed | Anas undulata | 1 | 53.75 | 329 | |||
58 | Egret, Great | Ardea alba | 1 | 3.50 | 6 | |||
60 | Egret, Intermediate | Ardea intermedia | 3 | 3.00 | 3 | |||
59 | Egret, Little | Egretta garzetta | 1 | 3.67 | 8 | |||
61 | Egret, Western Cattle | Bubulcus ibis | 19 | 25.50 | 32 | |||
149 | Fish Eagle, African | Haliaeetus vocifer | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
86 | Flamingo, Greater | Phoenicopterus roseus | 1 | 60.67 | 300 | |||
87 | Flamingo, Lesser | Phoeniconaias minor | 9 | 97.50 | 186 | |||
10004 | Goose, Domestic | Anser anser domesticus | 14 | 24.25 | 45 | |||
89 | Goose, Egyptian | Alopochen aegyptiaca | 2 | 24.84 | 159 | |||
88 | Goose, Spur-winged | Plectropterus gambensis | 1 | 16.00 | 105 | |||
4 | Grebe, Great Crested | Podiceps cristatus | 1 | 2.29 | 5 | |||
6 | Grebe, Little | Tachybaptus ruficollis | 2 | 15.38 | 44 | |||
263 | Greenshank, Common | Tringa nebularia | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
288 | Gull, Grey-headed | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | 1 | 8.33 | 22 | |||
55 | Heron, Black-headed | Ardea melanocephala | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
56 | Heron, Goliath | Ardea goliath | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
54 | Heron, Grey | Ardea cinerea | 1 | 2.50 | 6 | |||
57 | Heron, Purple | Ardea purpurea | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
65 | Heron, Rufous-bellied | Ardeola rufiventris | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
62 | Heron, Squacco | Ardeola ralloides | 4 | 4.00 | 4 | |||
81 | Ibis, African Sacred | Threskiornis aethiopicus | 2 | 7.00 | 13 | |||
83 | Ibis, Glossy | Plegadis falcinellus | 2 | 9.00 | 16 | |||
84 | Ibis, Hadada | Bostrychia hagedash | 1 | 4.82 | 8 | |||
228 | Jacana, African | Actophilornis africanus | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
397 | Kingfisher, Malachite | Corythornis cristatus | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
394 | Kingfisher, Pied | Ceryle rudis | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
247 | Lapwing, African Wattled | Vanellus senegallus | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
245 | Lapwing, Blacksmith | Vanellus armatus | 2 | 6.80 | 18 | |||
10015 | Mallard, Hybrid | Anas hybrid | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
509 | Martin, Brown-throated | Riparia paludicola | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
210 | Moorhen, Common | Gallinula chloropus | 2 | 3.50 | 5 | |||
69 | Night Heron, Black-crowned | Nycticorax nycticorax | 5 | 6.50 | 8 | |||
237 | Plover, Kittlitz's | Charadrius pecuarius | 1 | 2.60 | 5 | |||
238 | Plover, Three-banded | Charadrius tricollaris | 1 | 2.57 | 5 | |||
235 | Plover, White-fronted | Charadrius marginatus | 4 | 4.00 | 4 | |||
102 | Pochard, Southern | Netta erythrophthalma | 1 | 7.00 | 34 | |||
281 | Pratincole, Collared | Glareola pratincola | 7 | 7.00 | 7 | |||
258 | Sandpiper, Common | Actitis hypoleucos | 3 | 3.00 | 3 | |||
262 | Sandpiper, Marsh | Tringa stagnatilis | 1 | 5.00 | 8 | |||
264 | Sandpiper, Wood | Tringa glareola | 1 | 5.33 | 11 | |||
94 | Shoveler, Cape | Anas smithii | 2 | 28.44 | 134 | |||
250 | Snipe, African | Gallinago nigripennis | 14 | 14.00 | 14 | |||
85 | Spoonbill, African | Platalea alba | 1 | 14.88 | 61 | |||
270 | Stilt, Black-winged | Himantopus himantopus | 3 | 17.67 | 51 | |||
253 | Stint, Little | Calidris minuta | 2 | 2.50 | 3 | |||
77 | Stork, Woolly-necked | Ciconia episcopus | 2 | 4.00 | 6 | |||
76 | Stork, Yellow-billed | Mycteria ibis | 1 | 3.67 | 9 | |||
99 | Teal, Blue-billed | Anas hottentota | 2 | 2.50 | 3 | |||
98 | Teal, Cape | Anas capensis | 1 | 6.25 | 16 | |||
97 | Teal, Red-billed | Anas erythrorhyncha | 1 | 8.83 | 18 | |||
10009 | Tern, Unidentified | N/A N/A | 3 | 3.00 | 3 | |||
305 | Tern, Whiskered | Chlidonias hybrida | 32 | 32.00 | 32 | |||
304 | Tern, White-winged | Chlidonias leucopterus | 1 | 2.67 | 4 | |||
274 | Thick-knee, Water | Burhinus vermiculatus | 1 | 3.00 | 5 | |||
10008 | Wader, Unidentified | N/A N/A | 3 | 5.67 | 9 | |||
686 | Wagtail, Cape | Motacilla capensis | 1 | 7.11 | 38 |