Pongolapoort Dam (27253158) | |
KwaZulu-Natal | |
Authority | Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife |
Conservation status | PARTLY PROTECTED |
Ramsar information | |
Heritage information | |
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Information |
Date_registered |
1992-02-01 |
Brief_description |
In Pongolapoort Nature Reserve IBA. Large dam on Pongola River; deep water; steep shoreline. When water level was low, had a muddy/rocky shore, so more shorebird habitat; dam now full and shoreline flooded grass and trees, making visibility poor for counts - this may be responsible for recent decline in count totals (D. Johnson). Wide winter and/or summer fluctuations in numbers of some species; no consistent pattern. Whitebreasted Cormorant and Yellowbilled Stork have bred. Numbers of cormorant, ibis and most waterfowl peak in winter; most egrets, Fulvous Duck and Egyptian Goose commoner in summer. Good numbers of Blackheaded Heron and Blackwinged Stilt in winter. High biomass in winter 1995 due to Spurwinged Goose numbers. Threats are eutrophication from fertilizer runoff, and periodic dense growths of blue-green algae. |
Spp | Common name | Taxonomic name | Min | Avg | Max | IBA | Subregional IBA | RAMSAR |
72 | Scopus umbretta | 1 | 1.45 | 3 | ||||
256 | Calidris pugnax | 1 | 13.17 | 62 | ||||
269 | Avocet, Pied | Recurvirostra avosetta | 2 | 10.50 | 19 | |||
66 | Bittern, Dwarf | Ixobrychus sturmii | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
71 | Bittern, Eurasian | Botaurus stellaris | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
212 | Coot, Red-knobbed | Fulica cristata | 1 | 16.22 | 133 | |||
50 | Cormorant, Reed | Microcarbo africanus | 1 | 97.43 | 540 | |||
47 | Cormorant, White-breasted | Phalacrocorax lucidus | 1 | 59.64 | 292 | 130 | ||
203 | Crake, Black | Zaporina flavirostra | 1 | 5.58 | 25 | |||
52 | Darter, African | Anhinga rufa | 1 | 26.65 | 186 | |||
95 | Duck, African Black | Anas sparsa | 1 | 1.67 | 2 | |||
101 | Duck, Fulvous Whistling | Dendrocygna bicolor | 2 | 63.67 | 278 | |||
91 | Duck, Knob-billed | Sarkidiornis melanotos | 1 | 1.50 | 2 | |||
10014 | Duck, Unidentified | Anas sp. | 2 | 2.50 | 3 | |||
104 | Duck, White-backed | Thalassornis leuconotus | 4 | 4.00 | 4 | |||
100 | Duck, White-faced Whistling | Dendrocygna viduata | 1 | 751.27 | 3526 | |||
96 | Duck, Yellow-billed | Anas undulata | 2 | 11.30 | 38 | |||
58 | Egret, Great | Ardea alba | 1 | 21.63 | 93 | |||
60 | Egret, Intermediate | Ardea intermedia | 1 | 23.75 | 172 | |||
59 | Egret, Little | Egretta garzetta | 1 | 11.08 | 36 | |||
61 | Egret, Western Cattle | Bubulcus ibis | 2 | 279.51 | 1582 | |||
149 | Fish Eagle, African | Haliaeetus vocifer | 2 | 6.53 | 14 | |||
86 | Flamingo, Greater | Phoenicopterus roseus | 4 | 64.00 | 153 | |||
87 | Flamingo, Lesser | Phoeniconaias minor | 1 | 2.00 | 3 | |||
209 | Gallinule, Allen's | Porphyrio alleni | 5 | 5.00 | 5 | |||
10004 | Goose, Domestic | Anser anser domesticus | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
89 | Goose, Egyptian | Alopochen aegyptiaca | 4 | 251.12 | 1273 | |||
88 | Goose, Spur-winged | Plectropterus gambensis | 1 | 164.22 | 1424 | 710 | ||
6 | Grebe, Little | Tachybaptus ruficollis | 1 | 5.00 | 16 | |||
263 | Greenshank, Common | Tringa nebularia | 1 | 10.87 | 32 | |||
288 | Gull, Grey-headed | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | 1 | 1.50 | 2 | |||
167 | Harrier, African Marsh | Circus ranivorus | 1 | 2.13 | 5 | |||
64 | Heron, Black | Egretta ardesiaca | 1 | 1.20 | 2 | |||
55 | Heron, Black-headed | Ardea melanocephala | 1 | 25.20 | 155 | |||
56 | Heron, Goliath | Ardea goliath | 1 | 6.70 | 18 | |||
54 | Heron, Grey | Ardea cinerea | 1 | 17.31 | 58 | |||
57 | Heron, Purple | Ardea purpurea | 1 | 6.43 | 29 | |||
62 | Heron, Squacco | Ardeola ralloides | 1 | 2.67 | 13 | |||
63 | Heron, Striated | Butorides striata | 1 | 3.50 | 32 | |||
81 | Ibis, African Sacred | Threskiornis aethiopicus | 1 | 43.12 | 308 | |||
83 | Ibis, Glossy | Plegadis falcinellus | 1 | 49.45 | 512 | 500 | ||
84 | Ibis, Hadada | Bostrychia hagedash | 1 | 17.74 | 57 | |||
228 | Jacana, African | Actophilornis africanus | 1 | 48.81 | 349 | |||
229 | Jacana, Lesser | Microparra capensis | 1 | 4.50 | 8 | |||
395 | Kingfisher, Giant | Megaceryle maxima | 1 | 1.27 | 2 | |||
397 | Kingfisher, Malachite | Corythornis cristatus | 1 | 3.33 | 10 | |||
394 | Kingfisher, Pied | Ceryle rudis | 1 | 7.32 | 35 | |||
247 | Lapwing, African Wattled | Vanellus senegallus | 1 | 12.74 | 64 | |||
245 | Lapwing, Blacksmith | Vanellus armatus | 1 | 76.48 | 214 | |||
246 | Lapwing, White-crowned | Vanellus albiceps | 3 | 3.00 | 3 | |||
509 | Martin, Brown-throated | Riparia paludicola | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
210 | Moorhen, Common | Gallinula chloropus | 1 | 2.43 | 4 | |||
211 | Moorhen, Lesser | Paragallinula angulata | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
69 | Night Heron, Black-crowned | Nycticorax nycticorax | 1 | 1.50 | 2 | |||
74 | Openbill, African | Anastomus lamelligerus | 1 | 206.00 | 1098 | 1000 | 500 | |
172 | Osprey, Western | Pandion haliaetus | 1 | 2.04 | 7 | |||
41 | Pelican, Pink-backed | Pelecanus rufescens | 1 | 5.50 | 10 | |||
240 | Plover, Caspian | Charadrius asiaticus | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
233 | Plover, Common Ringed | Charadrius hiaticula | 1 | 13.86 | 52 | |||
237 | Plover, Kittlitz's | Charadrius pecuarius | 2 | 15.21 | 54 | |||
238 | Plover, Three-banded | Charadrius tricollaris | 1 | 4.83 | 15 | |||
102 | Pochard, Southern | Netta erythrophthalma | 1 | 4.50 | 8 | |||
281 | Pratincole, Collared | Glareola pratincola | 1 | 4.29 | 14 | |||
258 | Sandpiper, Common | Actitis hypoleucos | 1 | 7.91 | 37 | |||
251 | Sandpiper, Curlew | Calidris ferruginea | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
262 | Sandpiper, Marsh | Tringa stagnatilis | 1 | 4.00 | 14 | |||
264 | Sandpiper, Wood | Tringa glareola | 1 | 10.61 | 46 | |||
94 | Shoveler, Cape | Anas smithii | 1 | 16.86 | 40 | |||
250 | Snipe, African | Gallinago nigripennis | 2 | 2.00 | 2 | |||
249 | Snipe, Great | Gallinago media | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
85 | Spoonbill, African | Platalea alba | 1 | 19.00 | 93 | 75 | ||
270 | Stilt, Black-winged | Himantopus himantopus | 1 | 66.59 | 375 | |||
253 | Stint, Little | Calidris minuta | 2 | 18.80 | 42 | |||
79 | Stork, Black | Ciconia nigra | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
73 | Stork, Marabou | Leptoptilos crumenifer | 1 | 19.50 | 60 | |||
75 | Stork, Saddle-billed | Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
80 | Stork, White | Ciconia ciconia | 1 | 32.40 | 64 | 1 | ||
77 | Stork, Woolly-necked | Ciconia episcopus | 1 | 4.38 | 25 | |||
76 | Stork, Yellow-billed | Mycteria ibis | 1 | 8.81 | 42 | |||
208 | Swamphen, African | Porphyrio madagascariensis | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
99 | Teal, Blue-billed | Anas hottentota | 2 | 12.20 | 25 | |||
98 | Teal, Cape | Anas capensis | 4 | 5.00 | 6 | |||
97 | Teal, Red-billed | Anas erythrorhyncha | 3 | 66.87 | 349 | |||
290 | Tern, Caspian | Hydroprogne caspia | 1 | 1.75 | 3 | |||
305 | Tern, Whiskered | Chlidonias hybrida | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
304 | Tern, White-winged | Chlidonias leucopterus | 1 | 1.00 | 1 | |||
274 | Thick-knee, Water | Burhinus vermiculatus | 1 | 10.47 | 36 | |||
10008 | Wader, Unidentified | N/A N/A | 1 | 9.58 | 70 | |||
685 | Wagtail, African Pied | Motacilla aguimp | 1 | 4.26 | 12 | |||
686 | Wagtail, Cape | Motacilla capensis | 1 | 3.92 | 18 |