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Orange River: Vioolsdrif Dam (28451744)

Northern Cape

Authority Northern Cape Department of Tourism, Environment and Conservation
Management status STATE IMPOUNDMENT
Conservation status UNKNOWN
IBA information
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Count starts at the Van Zyl'z River mouth, along the Orange River down to the Vioolsdrif Border Post Bridge. It is a river section of about 20km.

SppCommon nameTaxonomic nameMinAvgMaxIBASubregional
72, HamerkopScopus umbretta11.332   
269Avocet, PiedRecurvirostra avosetta11.001   
212Coot, Red-knobbedFulica cristata11.001   
50Cormorant, ReedMicrocarbo africanus111.5533   
47Cormorant, White-breastedPhalacrocorax lucidus112.2338   
52Darter, AfricanAnhinga rufa1341.0077   
95Duck, African BlackAnas sparsa12.304   
96Duck, Yellow-billedAnas undulata22.002   
59Egret, LittleEgretta garzetta16.4019   
61Egret, Western CattleBubulcus ibis99.009   
149Fish Eagle, AfricanHaliaeetus vocifer12.624
10004Goose, DomesticAnser anser domesticus11.001
89Goose, EgyptianAlopochen aegyptiaca211.3623   
88Goose, Spur-wingedPlectropterus gambensis13.506   
6Grebe, LittleTachybaptus ruficollis12.004   
55Heron, Black-headedArdea melanocephala11.001   
56Heron, GoliathArdea goliath14.508   
54Heron, GreyArdea cinerea310.1428   
57Heron, PurpleArdea purpurea11.001   
63Heron, StriatedButorides striata22.503   
81Ibis, African SacredThreskiornis aethiopicus11.502   
84Ibis, HadadaBostrychia hagedash12.604   
228Jacana, AfricanActophilornis africanus11.001   
395Kingfisher, GiantMegaceryle maxima13.927
397Kingfisher, MalachiteCorythornis cristatus12.577
394Kingfisher, PiedCeryle rudis212.1426
245Lapwing, BlacksmithVanellus armatus12.004   
210Moorhen, CommonGallinula chloropus11.332   
69Night Heron, Black-crownedNycticorax nycticorax11.001   
172Osprey, WesternPandion haliaetus11.001
238Plover, Three-bandedCharadrius tricollaris11.672   
102Pochard, SouthernNetta erythrophthalma33.003   
85Spoonbill, AfricanPlatalea alba22.002   
208Swamphen, AfricanPorphyrio madagascariensis11.001  
97Teal, Red-billedAnas erythrorhyncha11.001   
685Wagtail, African PiedMotacilla aguimp1717.0017
686Wagtail, CapeMotacilla capensis14.6211
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Friday 25 October 2024 01:54
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town

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