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Albert Falls Dam: Route 2 (29253024)


Authority Private
Management status STATE IMPOUNDMENT
Conservation status UNPROTECTED
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A large water supply dam with mostly open, rather barren shoreline of earth/stones, but some muddy areas with wet grass, and a little fringing reed/sedge cover, especially at inlets. White- breasted Cormorant breeds. Attracts a good variety of waterbirds. Water level very low 1992-93; largest counts of Dabchick, Egyptian and Spurwinged Geese, Crowned Crane, Kittlitz's Plover and Cape Wagtail recorded winter 1993. High count and biomass totals in winters of 1993-94 due to good numbers of cormorants, geese and cranes (largest counts of Whitebreasted Cormorant and Little Egret in winter 1994, plus 295 Spurwinged Geese). High count of Blacksmith Plover in summer 1997. Osprey and Wattled Plover regular; occasional good numbers of Marsh Owl recorded. Occasional fishing competitions on the dam cause mild disturbance. This section is done by boat from the dam wall in a northern direction all along the shore line, right around the dam up to the gate where the game park starts. This is the same point where section 1 ends.

SppCommon nameTaxonomic nameMinAvgMaxIBASubregional
72Scopus umbretta13.2812   
256Calidris pugnax123.7563  
50Cormorant, ReedMicrocarbo africanus2188.682197   
47Cormorant, White-breastedPhalacrocorax lucidus129.72247  130
203Crake, BlackZaporina flavirostra13.8917
214Crane, Grey CrownedBalearica regulorum115.50104  80
52Darter, AfricanAnhinga rufa321.7549   
95Duck, African BlackAnas sparsa12.004   
101Duck, Fulvous WhistlingDendrocygna bicolor66.006   
104Duck, White-backedThalassornis leuconotus88.008   
100Duck, White-faced WhistlingDendrocygna viduata230.22236   
96Duck, Yellow-billedAnas undulata224.38244   
58Egret, GreatArdea alba14.1317   
60Egret, IntermediateArdea intermedia12.338   
59Egret, LittleEgretta garzetta16.1022   
61Egret, Western CattleBubulcus ibis424.0694   
149Fish Eagle, AfricanHaliaeetus vocifer110.7659
89Goose, EgyptianAlopochen aegyptiaca20265.08947   
88Goose, Spur-wingedPlectropterus gambensis131.83130   
6Grebe, LittleTachybaptus ruficollis515.3840   
263Greenshank, CommonTringa nebularia15.8022   
167Harrier, African MarshCircus ranivorus11.001
166Harrier, Western MarshCircus aeruginosus33.003
55Heron, Black-headedArdea melanocephala13.3814   
56Heron, GoliathArdea goliath13.8711   
54Heron, GreyArdea cinerea18.0546   
57Heron, PurpleArdea purpurea12.003   
62Heron, SquaccoArdeola ralloides11.001   
63Heron, StriatedButorides striata13.756   
81Ibis, African SacredThreskiornis aethiopicus26.9116   
84Ibis, HadadaBostrychia hagedash113.9567   
228Jacana, AfricanActophilornis africanus17.4517   
395Kingfisher, GiantMegaceryle maxima15.2111
396Kingfisher, Half-collaredAlcedo semitorquata11.332
397Kingfisher, MalachiteCorythornis cristatus18.1426
394Kingfisher, PiedCeryle rudis112.1833
245Lapwing, BlacksmithVanellus armatus251.46200   
210Moorhen, CommonGallinula chloropus13.676   
69Night Heron, Black-crownedNycticorax nycticorax12.754   
172Osprey, WesternPandion haliaetus12.325
233Plover, Common RingedCharadrius hiaticula19.7523   
237Plover, Kittlitz'sCharadrius pecuarius16.1318   
238Plover, Three-bandedCharadrius tricollaris17.0518   
235Plover, White-frontedCharadrius marginatus214.0026   
258Sandpiper, CommonActitis hypoleucos111.2730  
262Sandpiper, MarshTringa stagnatilis15.3314   
264Sandpiper, WoodTringa glareola11.676   
90Shelduck, South AfricanTadorna cana12.384   
94Shoveler, CapeAnas smithii22.503   
85Spoonbill, AfricanPlatalea alba110.2550   
270Stilt, Black-wingedHimantopus himantopus414.2957   
253Stint, LittleCalidris minuta13.005   
80Stork, WhiteCiconia ciconia11.001  1
77Stork, Woolly-neckedCiconia episcopus14.8817   
10007Swan, BlackCygnus atratus22.002
99Teal, Blue-billedAnas hottentota88.008   
97Teal, Red-billedAnas erythrorhyncha15.4525   
290Tern, CaspianHydroprogne caspia22.002   
304Tern, White-wingedChlidonias leucopterus11.001   
274Thick-knee, WaterBurhinus vermiculatus13.7315   
0Unknown, UnknownUnknown Unknown00.000
685Wagtail, African PiedMotacilla aguimp211.9523
686Wagtail, CapeMotacilla capensis248.75153
690Wagtail, GreyMotacilla cinerea1414.0014
688Wagtail, MountainMotacilla clara22.002
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Thursday 26 December 2024 04:02
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town

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