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Queenstown Sewage Works (31552650)

Eastern Cape

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This site includes open-water dams, sludge ponds and reedbeds. The only summer count was in 1995; winter counts are available 1995-97. Counts have been too few to show well-defined patterns of occurrence, apart from the summer influx of Palearctic shorebirds, but ibises and most waterfowl appear to be more numerous in winter (the exception being South African Shelduck), while Redknobbed Coot is commoner in summer. Avocet and Blacksmith Plover numbers are greater in summer, but Threebanded Plover is more numerous in winter. Good counts of Redbilled Teal and Blacksmith Plover are noteworthy. Pollution by domestic waste, and the encroachment of squatters, are severe threats, while the spread of alien water plants poses an important threat.

SppCommon nameTaxonomic nameMinAvgMaxIBASubregional
256Calidris pugnax1331.4064  
72Scopus umbretta11.432   
269Avocet, PiedRecurvirostra avosetta2626.0026   
212Coot, Red-knobbedFulica cristata421.4254   
50Cormorant, ReedMicrocarbo africanus24.6419   
47Cormorant, White-breastedPhalacrocorax lucidus111.8955   
203Crake, BlackZaporina flavirostra11.001
214Crane, Grey CrownedBalearica regulorum22.674   
52Darter, AfricanAnhinga rufa24.008   
95Duck, African BlackAnas sparsa22.002   
100Duck, White-faced WhistlingDendrocygna viduata229.2595   
96Duck, Yellow-billedAnas undulata547.83104   
59Egret, LittleEgretta garzetta11.001   
61Egret, Western CattleBubulcus ibis123.91110   
149Fish Eagle, AfricanHaliaeetus vocifer11.172
89Goose, EgyptianAlopochen aegyptiaca225.73128   
88Goose, Spur-wingedPlectropterus gambensis219.7549   
6Grebe, LittleTachybaptus ruficollis28.1128   
263Greenshank, CommonTringa nebularia12.003   
167Harrier, African MarshCircus ranivorus11.001
55Heron, Black-headedArdea melanocephala16.3328   
54Heron, GreyArdea cinerea14.208   
81Ibis, African SacredThreskiornis aethiopicus418.6452   
84Ibis, HadadaBostrychia hagedash18.3325   
395Kingfisher, GiantMegaceryle maxima11.001
397Kingfisher, MalachiteCorythornis cristatus11.001
394Kingfisher, PiedCeryle rudis11.502
245Lapwing, BlacksmithVanellus armatus535.7569   
509Martin, Brown-throatedRiparia paludicola11.001
210Moorhen, CommonGallinula chloropus12.806   
69Night Heron, Black-crownedNycticorax nycticorax11.001   
361Owl, MarshAsio capensis11.001
237Plover, Kittlitz'sCharadrius pecuarius44.675   
238Plover, Three-bandedCharadrius tricollaris419.3340   
102Pochard, SouthernNetta erythrophthalma44.004   
258Sandpiper, CommonActitis hypoleucos12.758  
264Sandpiper, WoodTringa glareola24.339   
90Shelduck, South AfricanTadorna cana211.0044   
94Shoveler, CapeAnas smithii412.2037   
250Snipe, AfricanGallinago nigripennis12.807   
85Spoonbill, AfricanPlatalea alba15.6715   
270Stilt, Black-wingedHimantopus himantopus12.504   
253Stint, LittleCalidris minuta425.5057   
98Teal, CapeAnas capensis22.002   
97Teal, Red-billedAnas erythrorhyncha23107.58247   
685Wagtail, African PiedMotacilla aguimp22.002
686Wagtail, CapeMotacilla capensis18.1718
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Sunday 22 December 2024 03:41
FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Cape Town

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